Lexus Innovation Meets Preservation
I’ve written about Lexus vehicles on numerous occasions. The challenge with being an automobile copywriter is that you are often tasked with writing about various models of the same brand. Differentiating each, while enhancing their individual appeal, is the goal for the copywriter.
Alas, there was no competition back when this was the world’s first hybrid V8 luxury sedan. The LS 600h L Launch Edition from Lexus was just the automobile you’d expect would appeal to ultra-discriminating, ultra-high-net-worth individuals. It was an exclusive, one-of-a-kind vehicle that was lavishly appointed, technologically smart, and super powerful, of course. I know I’ve nailed the copy for an auto freelance writing gig when I find myself pondering the prospect of acquiring said vehicle for myself. Could I ditch my Toyota and slide into this gorgeous cruiser for a price I could afford? Probably not, but it never hurts to dream.